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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Pinoys Join Global Warming Fraud
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Sunday, October 25, 2009
On Typhoon Ramil
Typhoon Ramil (codename Lupit) changed its course and is now heading to Japan. After it was reduced to tropical storm, it backpedaled from Northern Luzon and is now on the eastern side of Taiwan. The weather bureau should install a “No U-turn” sign board upon its exit from the Philippines area of responsibility!
*DOST-PAGASA MTSAT-EIR Satellite Image for
5 a.m. 25 Oct. 2009
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Another Spillway for Laguna de Bay
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Saturday, October 10, 2009
Typhoon Parma Refused to be Discarded
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Typhoon Parma Dissolved; Melor Headed to Japan
In my assessment, Typhoon Parma will be dissolved and gobbled up by stronger typhoon Melor (local name Quedan) which is now heading to Japan. Taiwan will be spared due to agitation of Parma trying to push Melor. However, being a powerful typhoon wrestler, Melor junked Parma and tow her to Southern Japan which is expected to sow havoc to whatever structures on its way.
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Monday, October 5, 2009
Five Tips for Uphill Cycling
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Friday, October 2, 2009
Another Text Message Hoax
Here is the complete message:
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The One-Armed Cyclist
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Sunday, September 27, 2009
Teodoro: A Mistaken Pick
Teodoro was a mistaken pick. Although he is a bright guy, being a UP and Harvard graduate and a bar topnotch caliber, he has no record of a remarkable bill passed into law that may be attributed to his name or any accomplishment that may warrant a better performance in the public service, particularly being a congressman representing the First District of Tarlac province. It is presumed that he was appointed as Secretary of the Department of National Defense in preparation for presidency being rammed to our throat by the administration party and their sponsors. For Noynoy, being a Senator convinced by the advice of a fifth grader –as he stated during his acceptance speech on the party meeting- he should have stayed in the enclosure together with the Carmelite sisters of a provincial convent for the solemn repose of his parent’s soul. He is just like a prey in the school of sharks without their guidance. Delving into politics and be marinated on his own …para siyang maamong tupa sa harap ng nagdidingas na mga mata ng mababangis na tigre sa larangan ng politika. (he is like a meek lamb before the burning eyes of the tiger in the political wilds.)
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Saturday, September 26, 2009
Only when it Rains
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Friday, September 25, 2009
Pagsanjan On My Bike
We met again with my fellow bikers at Daanghari in Las Pinas City. It was a good sunny day after a week of heavy rainfall and hibernation. Cycling hobbyists were bustling on the famed bikers’ road like roasters flapping their wings and crowing with the delight of dawn and ready to challenge every length of the road. And we, while under the shade of a Tamarind tree beside Daangreyna road where we frequently take a rest and made shaggy dog stories of our youthful days, hatched another biking expedition plan. Pagsanjan on our bike!
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Monday, September 7, 2009
Brief Accounts of Presidentiables
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Monday, August 31, 2009
New Politics, New Filipinos
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Monday, August 10, 2009
Yes Mom, EDSA is a Failure
In l986, millions have lined up at EDSA ready to lay their lives against the dictator’s soldiers and rampaging canons and tanks. I am one of them. Thinking that the reforms promised in a new democracy will improve the way of living of the new generation of Filipinos, I laid my future at risk and fought with flowers against smoking guns. I bet my little self for a new beginning where people can live in peace and prosperity, in exchange of the lost opportunities. So many precious lives were put in vain. Those who boldly went against the dictator’s will were summarily executed. I pity them, the change they long aspired were put in limbo by the succeeding dispensations.
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Sunday, July 12, 2009
World Bank E-mails to OFW Disowned
According to the statement purportedly made by World Bank, “the present currency exchange rate of US Dollar to Peso is actually $1 = 52 Pesos, and your government is manipulating the exchange rate for some years now.” (The present average forex rate is P48.00 to a dollar.) This enraged OFW’s who believed they were being robbed by the Arroyo administration. Not only the exchange rate, as declared in the statement, but also the drawing of lotto results which were being rigged so that only two people will win the big prize. And the statement pinpointed Mikey and Datu, the two sons of President Gloria Arroyo. It clearly further stated –sending distrust to the betting public whose bet provided assistance to the poor and other humanitarian projects- that the winning balls, with the corresponding numbers, were smaller than the other such that when the balls are sucked in the drawing tube only the small balls will fit in and ensuring the winning numbers given to Arroyo’s sons.
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Friday, July 3, 2009
Pedaling Tagaytay Hills

Being able to undertake the required training and preparations of a determined cyclist, we prepared to embark the limb wrecking cycling expedition to Tagaytay City. This is an uphill stretch to test the endurance of retired workers mostly senior citizens –that attaining good health should not be confined to visiting your doctor, good diet, and ballroom dancing. Road bike and uphill climb satisfy your health requirements and sense of fulfillment … and the breathtaking panorama.
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Saturday, May 30, 2009
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Thursday, May 21, 2009
It’s again a sunny day and I’m readying my gadgets for a long anticipated ride. It is my bicycle riding stretch to the famed “Daanghari.” I’ve been eagerly trying to compile my experiences on this uphill climb and I think it’s about time –less this will be left to the shadows and obscurity.
The last issue of my cycling adventure was the healing effect of mountain climbing. The purpose why I engaged in this cycling sport was to improve my health. Mang Bert, the heart-by-passed-man and seventy-two years old, is still pedaling in the mountain climb. He has just finished the 45-degree slope at the back of GSIS Holiday Hills’ “Christ the King” church in San Pedro, Laguna. This is the training climb in preparation for “Daanghari Expedition” via Victoria Hills and Tat Golf. And he is perspiring profusely climbing up and down without let-up, a mark of great health.
Actually, the cycling haven is the “South Portofino” portion of well-paved concrete road, adjacent to Daanghari and Victoria Hills and under the jurisdiction of the municipality of Las Pinas City. It has a total of five kilometers, two-lane stretch together with the opposite lanes. Meaning you will cover a 50-kilometer distance on ten-round laps. And it’s enough to drain your fats and other body excesses. Only few vehicles are passing this route as this is considered a dead-end road –nearby Victoria Hills Village requires payment in entering the road for cars and other vehicles without official receipt which is an illegal practice of homeowners’ associations. This road cannot be used for drag racing as the Las Pinas Police Precinct is located along this route and violators will be apprehended. I believed this is considered as the safest place for cycling enthusiasts.
At “Daanghari” I met many new friends; all are cycling “addicts.” But I’m interested with senior citizens engaged in bicycle riding who were actually conscious in improving their health. The oldest I met, so far, was “Ka Vidal.” He is frequently called as “Kapitan”, the captain. Would you believe he is seventy-three years old and an advocate of long distance biking! When I met him he right away invited me to join their group to go to Tagaytay. And he is not joking. I followed him one time and he was convincing. He was inviting many cyclists along the road. At one instant, we were already fifteen in a group. We took the route to Molino, Paliparan, GMA, Dasmarinas –a total of almost forty kilometers with only one stop-over to have a snack of “Beef Lugaw” with egg along the Paliparan road. And others have no food limit, took bottles of Pepsi and Coke –no concerns of being diabetics! It shows they are able and healthy.
I also met “Ka Romy”, a seventy-year-old cock-fighting aficionado who stretches all his body parts before riding his expensive bicycle; another was Conrad, a retired consultant from AMCOR, who cannot cross the street without assistance; and there were Americans, British, French, Italian and other foreigners frequenting the site.
As “Daanghari” is a cycling hub, there were also peddlers of cycling accessories who sell their wares at affordable prices –cheap uniforms, gadgets, and other special tools were sold on Saturday and Sunday only.
There were many events I encountered at “Daanghari” such as: keeping pace with the fast pedaling one-armed cyclist; the swift lady-biker wearing pink attire which we failed to talk with as my two aging companions who kept following her –their tongues already “hanging” and engulfing for breath- were not able to catch-up with; and other cycling stars who were champions in cycling competitions. I will be always there at “Daanghari” pedaling my health to great heights.
As I pedaled back home, descending fast at Victoria Hills and Tat Golf, there again I saw “Mang Bert” now easily climbing up to “Daanghari.”
Read more on this article...Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Ah! Where Is The Beach?
The long and hard days work and then it’s summer! Everyone is craving for respite and vacation. These are the sweet sounding words that not only kids are so delighted to hear but adults alike ... and the “travel.”
I and my wife, Thelma, leisurely conceived an idea of travel and vacation in Sta. Cruz, Occ. Mindoro. We have a newly built family house in the countryside and it is the least expensive place to spend the summer-hot vacation that we can afford. The house is near the sea with fine sand and comparable to any beach in the province in its grandeur. We made enough preparation for the vacation. We are on the go and ready for the “escapade.”
On the following day, we were alarmed and heard a weather announcement on TV of a tropical depression. Later it was repeated as a storm. The weather bureau raised the storm signal on the path including the provinces of Mindoro where we are planning to go. An unusual weather disturbance on summer! How come we have a storm and it will be rainy days? We are expecting a “red hot” summer days and not the chilling clouds.
This is not global warming. This is the only summer in the Philippines or in Southeast Asia that typhoon developed in the South China Sea in an untimely period. We have already five weather disturbances that occurred in the country. This is very rare considering that we are expecting a warm weather as being espoused by the global warming alarmists. They are accusing carbon dioxide as the causes of global warming. How come that it is during summer, when we generate more carbon dioxide but instead of warming, we experienced raining and cooler morning breezes? If there indeed global warming, it must have ended and we are approaching the cycle of cooling or the time of “The Little Ice Age.” The sun is least active this decade and least sunspots and solar flares are being observed as previously reported by David Hathaway, the NASA Solar Physicist.
We want to go to the beach water in beating this summer heat; but it is now flooding in our backyard. We can no longer enjoy our summer vacation plan... Ah! Where is the beach? Summer ends leaving our summer vacation plan with disappointment.
Read more on this article...Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Mountain Biking
Have you been in an uphill climb with a bicycle? Eking it out by engulfing more air to reach the top? Trying to expend all your energy, sweating it out to pull yourself up a few more meters and seems you will not last long to conquer the great height? But in just three paces … you’re there! Draining all the fluids in you and … at last all the excitements and sense of fulfillment realizing that you are in the top of the world! The great joy one must enjoy anyone can afford!
I have been in mountain biking this summer and in the last five weeks I can feel the great improvement on my health. Before, I’m easily get tired, with aching joints, unsound sleep, heavy weight, and great mark exhaustion as the result of aging process. Now, I’m full of energy like a rampaging bull ready to dominate in the arena of less capable competing players –ready to charge against all odds!
Mountain biking is my medicine. I realized this when I was having a short jog on a well-paved uphill road near my barangay residence. I observed that when I get tired, I just simply stop and squat beside the road. Then in a few more walks I go back home with something still lacking in my exertion. In cycling, you can’t just stop. You will fall. While on the road moreover, I noticed several cyclists pedaling uphill passed by me and it brought to my mind, why can’t I join them; see more views and breath fresh air while exercising?
When I got home, I fixed an aging bike of my son –a BMX Carraro by brand or by patch- instead of buying a new one. Seeing the bicycle frame is still good, I decided to install a Shimano gear transmission system, replaced the 26 x2.10 worn-out tire to 26 x 1.95 sizes to lessen the appearance of bulky and heavy type inasmuch as I’ll be using it in a smooth and well-paved road. I replaced the screeching bearing and applied the necessary lubrication and then found myself pedaling on the level road. On the first few days, I biked only up to the foot of the mountain road. The next week, to a quarter climb, then to the half climb level. On this stage, I’ve been meeting new friends with remarkable health recovery experiences and encouraged me to stretch more and go to the higher level. I said: “This is enough for me, I’m only a newbie, a neophyte; and I’m satisfied with the great improvement on my health.” However, I tried to keep on although I’m having an aching muscle legs and signs of weariness. But later, I increased my stamina and resistance to fatigue and then preparing for the challenge.
I do the biking daily, 2-3 hours a day and maintain a high gear on an uphill grind to strengthen my leg muscles. One day, I met an old man biking up and down the hill while we are taking a rest with Rene –my cycling buddy and an old hand cycling aficionado. Likewise, he encouraged me to go up the mountain, the same way the old man did. Rene told me that this man we met, was already 63 years of age, have a heart trouble and undergone a by-pass operation. But now, this man is already very strong and he can go back and forth to the mountain six rounds before taking a rest. We had the chance to talk to him and he said he now seldom see his doctor after spending thousand of dollars in his heart operation. His blood pressure which he regularly monitors is normal. He also no longer takes medicine but keep a daily sustenance of vitamins and mineral supplements.
With the endurance of this man which served me an inspiration, I steadily improved myself and now am ready to challenge the great height.
I am planning and eager to reach the famed “Daanghari” via the treacherous Victoria Hills road. Daanghari is a cyclists’ haven. Cyclists from Alabang, Muntinlupa City; Metro-Manila; Cavite; and Laguna converge everyday in an early morning work-out. Oh! Such a prominent road track! (I will describe further the natural amenities of the place on my next blog issue.)
Meanwhile, I met again the heart-bypassed-old-man in my daily work-out. He has a hearing aide on his right ear and although he did not clearly understood my greetings, he just yelled: “I’m now in my third lap and getting stronger.”
Read more on this article...Monday, April 6, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Veterans’ Honour and Benefits: Won At Last!
Great news for the Filipino veterans of World War II! The United States of America has finally recognized the “Heroes of Bataan” –the people whose only obsession is to be free and the official recognition of their long march to death. Such recognitions and benefits are included in the $787 billion sitimulus bill scheduled to be signed into law by US President Barack Obama.
It was six decades ago since 1941 –when then U.S. President Roosevelt ordered Filipino soldiers to fight against the enemy- the veterans of devastating war kept on hoping that their cause will not just be laid to a shelf but be acknowledged with financial aid. All other nationals who just unmindfully participated and claimed to be a part of American War were recognized to the dismay of the true Filipino heroes. It has been a long and wearisome way for US recognition –the same way as has been the way for the long march to death- before the US congress finally gave way from their refusal to admit responsibilities and promised restitution.
Today the veteran heroes will be remunerated not only for honor and gallantry at war but for the display of courage in defence of democracy. The monetary assistance, although it is just a pecuniary benefit in exchange of the lives and blood they shed, is a welcomed development they longed for.
It is hoped that the people in-charge, particularly, the Philippines Veteran Affairs Office personnel will not take advantage of less-oriented veterans in claiming such benefits. It should be off-limit to by-standers and fixers who will entice veterans of smooth and speedy outcome of their claims in exchange of hefty amount for petty and menial job. An information and free assistance desk should be installed in aiding the aging veterans and beneficiaries.
I think this little advice will be of help in any way. “Mabuhay and beteranong Pinoy.”
Read more on this article...Tuesday, January 13, 2009
My Waning Respect With Secretary Gonzalez
DOJ and PDEA are in cahoot before. Now they are in mess of stinking garbage. With the exchange of verbal accusations of bias and misjudgment on the so-called "Alabang Boys", the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA)are now in hot oven. It appearing from media reports that DOJ should be blamed and that PDEA is the one doing its job. DOJ is bent on dismissing the charges and of releasing the drug culprits.
DOJ Secretary Raul Gonzalez has been supporting the actions of the prosecutors in spite of the reported 50 million pesos bribe offer of the suspects' parents. He downplayed the used of his department's letterhead by the lawyer of the accused in preparing the dismissal order which is highly irregular. There are reports that his undersecretary called his "mistah" (a classmate at PMA) at PDEA relative to the dropping of the charges which the PDEA agent admitted that he is being offered three million pesos during the hearing of the Committee on Dangerous Drugs. Gonzales also castigated the PDEA agent in the manner of apprehending the drug suspect and his military exploit in Mindanao tending to deride the agent's capabilities. With his actuations, I am inclined to believe that he is for the dismissal of the charges filed against the "Alabang Boys" and suggesting pressure for the review of the qualifications of agents assigned in PDEA.
In my opinion, PDEA is doing its jobs. They are the one complaining why the cases of drug suspects are easily dismissed repeatedly. DOJ prosecutors have been freeing the drug culprits while PDEA agents are trying hard apprehending the drug syndicates.
I support the move to suspend Secretary Gonzales -whom I have been admiring for years but this admiration have just been diminished. There are now basis on the accusations of former President Estrada that there are many "Hoodlums in Robes" in the Department of Justice and they are more daring in the administration of Gloria Arroyo -and these are attributing more in her low popularity ratings. DOJ should be reorganized and to replace its personnel with new and incorruptible officers.
Note: State Prosecutor John Resado -the one being alluded to as who prepared the resolution dismissing the charges of the "Alabang Boys" is threatening to file libel charges against PDEA officials and some members of the media who implicated him in the alleged bribery attempt in the drug mess, based on GMA News, Jan. 13, 2009. Is he obstructing the transparency rule and the rights to public information?
Read more on this article...Friday, January 2, 2009
The Climate Needless Expenses
Global warming hoax has engulfed the Philippines archipelago with all its alarming fury. Clothed with the usual fear factor and the threat of deluge from rising sea level caused by hypothetical assumptive melting of the earth’s polar ice cover, the Philippine government is preparing measures to avert the imaginary catastrophe. The House of Congress is preparing climate bills for the creation of “Climate Change Commission.” President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo appointed herself as climate change czar providing the sense of urgency of the catalytic situation created by the politicians of global warming.
It maybe deduced that the concerted actions are brought about by the frantic reaction to UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN-IPCC) pestering requirements and compounded by the press release of the new study by the University of Washington which claimed that Antarctica, the region in the Southern Hemisphere, has been warming for the last 50 years. The release of the study was timed to counter the record chilling effect being experienced world wide and perceived as the start of the long period of new “Little Ice Age.” The study supported by the picture of melting glacier and the cracks on compacted ice cover on western portion of the Antarctic which are lined-up of active volcanoes which began erupting 2000 years ago and the newest eruption was on January 2008 as discovered by the members of the British Antarctic Survey, one of the world's leading environmental research centres and is responsible for the UK's national scientific activities in Antarctica. The picture, which was probably taken in the summer of 2008 wherein the polar icecaps are naturally thawing or disintegrating, are prominently displayed in the said press release for convincing effect. President Arroyo is reorganizing the Presidential Task Force on Climate Change with the same fear factor such as: “Climate change will have catastrophic effects it immediate and sufficient action to curb industrial emissions and forest loss is not taken ...”
I do not have hard feelings about the conservation, protection and restoration and other solid waste management programs of the government to maintain our ecological balance, but to kowtow the insinuations of anthropomorphic global warming sponsors are to satisfy and uphold their selfish desire to monopolize renewable energy source which will contribute further to the hardship being experienced by the third world countries. Environmental awareness is a duty where each and every one is obliged to be a part of. But to threat humanity of imaginary natural upheaval for the purpose of self gains is treachery and unacceptable. Although it is incumbent upon us to maintain our surroundings as environment friendly, we have to align our climate programs that are most beneficial to our locality. We do not have too much industrial emissions compared to the developed economies which need limitations and to go the way with their restrictions is to restrict the modest growth our country is painstakingly building up. There are developed economies, particularly India, China, and the United States, which do not adhere to the UN-IPCC sponsored Carbon dioxide emission control and they are not sold to the idea that man-made emission will contribute to global warming. Global warming and global cooling are natural earth’s climate cycle and humans are tiny things so as to cause any perturbation. Global warming or climate change alarmists have their own agenda for their own benefits.
Consider the following group of alarmists who conducted the study which was press released by the University of Washington (UW) insinuating that Antarctica is warming: a) Eric Steig is UW geochemist who is a member of UN-IPCC and the leading example in “censoring dissenting voices” against anthropogenic global warming (AGW) and a supporter of Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”; b) David Schnieder is of the National Center for Atmospheric Research and a student-buddy of Steig; c) Michael Mann of Pennysylvania State Univesity is the author of the discredited “Hockey Stick” temperature graph to come up with the direction of James Hansen with NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. As Dr. Tim Ball, a retired University of Manitoba climatologist said of Mr. Mann’s blunder after it was confirmed in a report to the Congress by the U.S. Academies of Science: "I personally think [Mann] should be in jail."; and d) Josefino Comiso –a Filipino Hansen’s disciple who now serves as adviser of the Philippine Weather Bureau- and Drew Shindell are both of NASA-GISS and also under the group of Hansen –the partner of Al Gore. They are the cohorts of AGW with planned interest and avidly campaigning with fear factor and doomsday scenario not for humanity sake but for the welfare of their pocket.
Let us not be misled by the global warming prophets of doom. They campaigned first against the nuclear plant proliferations for the benefits of fossil fuel, now they are advocates of nuclear fuel and other renewable sources of energy to the detriment of coal and oil fuel. We are a developing economy crawling for progress to the stage where the advanced countries have already reaped the blessings of being the first and to swallow the self-serving advice of these wealthy sponsors and our subservience to their caprice is to defeat the advocacy of fruitful sacrifices of our forebears to overcome poverty.
The creation of Climate Change Commission is an exercise in pointlessness. It is the futile reaction to non-existing climate admonition –a natural cycle human have learned to live with and developed immunity with its accompanying harsh environment. The said commission will result to unnecessary expenses, a good source of graft and corruption as what have been the suspicions with the Department of Environment, and a duplication of functions. The Chief Executive should be advised accordingly and should rather act to strengthen the existing environment protection, conservation and restoration programs already in- placed.
Read more on this article...Too Cold To Be Warm
San Pedro, Laguna, is now 25 deg. C colder than any month of December in my two decades stay in this suburban town closest to Metro Manila. And this is the only December –considered as dry season- in my memory when the rain fell on Christmas Day. Recorded lower temperature is regularly registered during the month of February in this tropical and maritime region of the Philippines. Cloudy fog descended in this town on January 1, the new year’s day of 2009, an unusual morning occurrence seldom observed in this time of the year.
The proof of global cooling is now being felt in this part of the globe. And it is not only in the Philippines; the MSNBC report about record levels of snowfall that just hit the Pacific Northwest; the recent December record of 45.8 inches snowfall in Green Bay as reported in the Green Bay Press Gazette; the recent December record of 45 inches snowfall in Wisconsin, Madison, breaking the all month record of 37 inches in February 1994 as reported in the Wisconsin State Journal; the Alaska freezing –Alaskan Glaciers grow for first time in 250 years; the Glacier Bay National Park, Prince William Sound, the Juneau Icefield, Bering Glacier; and areas of the Arctic sea ice. These “might mark the beginning of another Little Ice Age” as one glaciologist, Bruce Molnia, who works for the US Geological Survey have said. (Read more at Icecap and The
With this global cooling, it glaringly contradicts the anthropogenic global warming being manipulated by the partners of Algore and Hansen in their “Inconvenient Truth” movie which we don’t know whether it was shot during summer where the ice are naturally melting. And this was supported by all global warming alarmists as they justify the cooling as proof of warming –either which way they are in. See more at Warming Sun
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