Thursday, November 15, 2007


Global warming issues aroused our consciousness and thus show that we, as people of the earth, really care and very much concerned with our Earth. But global warming is a natural phenomenon, a “great rhythm” at the earth. We happen to be living in this cycle where Mother Earth is experiencing a “slight fever". The unusual warming being felt today is dictated by the sun’s surges of activity, as expert says, and/or nearing alignment with the earth’s magnetic field thereby combining their magnetic forces and sending heat into the earth’s atmosphere, increasing heat in the air, and wind shifting. With these processes, abrupt changes in the weather conditions such as strong typhoons or hurricanes, tornadoes, floodings and/or droughts will be experienced and sending earth untold calamities. Let it be known and it is a general knowledge, that the earth's core is composed of molten rocks as evidence by the lava flows being thrown up by erupting volcano. Too much heat are stored in the earth's core and continues to accumulate to a superheat stages that no instrument made by man can measure its intensity. When the time comes that it can no longer hold the accumulated intense heat and enormous pressure, the molten lava and liquified elements will find its way to the soft volcano openning of the earth and eject it in a form of volcanic eruption -the explosion of a dormant volcano is more powerful (e.g. the Mt. Pinatubo volcano) than the active volcano since the latter is regularly emitting heat and the pressure is lesser. In this process, so much heat are thrown out until the normal temperature level is reached in the earth's core, then the erupting volcano will stop throwing away red-hot rocks. The smoke you see is water from the hydrosphere on the upper surface of the earth which is converted into steam to form a water vapor in its association with the escaping heat. The water vapor in a form of a cloud is then stored in the atmosphere to combine with the greenhouse gases which, according to scientists, is one hundred times more than the carbon dioxide, fossil fuels, ozone, methane, and nitrous oxide; the global warming advocates are now barking on. The earth's atmosphere, on the otherhand, is a layer of gases that surround the earth and retain its gravity. Its thickness is about 10,845 kms. -up to the peak of Mt. Everest which is the land surface reference. These layer of gases are composed of nitrogen, 78 per cent; oxygen, 20 per cent; water vapor, 1.00 per cent; argon, 0.93 per cent; carbon dioxide, 0.038 per cent; and other gases, 0.032 per cent. The mixture of these gases are commonly called air. The atmosphere protects life on earth by absorbing ultraviolet rays or solar radiation and regulates the temperature between day and night. Except nitrogen and oxygen, all other mentioned gases contribute to the greenhouse effect which is the natural process that maintains the earth's temperature levels to support life. The greenhouse gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone, methane, nitrous oxide, and the groups of flourinated gases are about one percent only of the earth's atmosphere. These greenhouse gases are the ones responsible to the greenhouse effect which reflects the heat back to earth. Carbon dioxide is a mere 0.038 per cent of the greenhouse gases which is being pinpointed as the main culprit for global warming. While water vapor, which accounts for the largest percentage of the greenhouse effect at about 66 per cent, was not made suspect for global warming. On the opposite sense, these greenhouse gases are more beneficial to humans as it maintains the average temperature of the atmosphere at around 15 degrees centigrade or 59 degrees fahrenheit. Without the greenhouse gases, the earth is uninhabitable because its mean temperature is only negative 19 degrees C or negative 2 degrees F. The water vapor, which is the major component of the greenhouse gases, comes from natural sources such as oceans, sea ice, and polar ice caps. While carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone; which are the minor component of greenhouse gases and come also from natural sources such as erupting volcanoes and decomposing organic matters; are from the minimal sources which are attributable to human activity. Indeed, water vapor is the more important greenhouse gas and contributes more to the greenhouse effect. An increase of water vapor means an increase of greenhouse effect and thereby increasing the atmospheric temperature. Further increasing the temperature of the atmosphere would require an increase of water vapor and the cycle goes on maintaining the equilibrium. Thus, the more carbon dioxide, the more water vapor is needed to normalize the greenhouse effect in the earth's atmosphere in maintaining the temperature supporting the life on earth. Without the greenhouse effect, our earth will be freezing as the planet mars is. Mars has a very thin atmosphere and cannot support greenhouse effect. If our earth is very, very cold, we will be celebrating white christmas throughout the year . . . . . maybe in some other place. (Data source: Wikipedia)

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